2014 Chinese Horoscope for people born in Ox years:
1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009.
 If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Rat, not Ox.

Ox is an animal that lives in the farm. Horse is treated better than Ox by human. People always prepare a big running ground for Horses. Ox do more hardship farming job than Horses. Ox may be jealous on Horse. The relationship between Ox and Horse is not too good.

In Chinese horoscope, Ox is in Earth group and Horse is in Fire group. Fire is the mother element of Earth, since Fire can burn things into Earth. Fire is related to parents, education and protection to Ox. So actually Horse cares about Ox. Since Ox people will receive benefits from parents, they will care about their family members, too.

In Chinese Five Element theory, Ox contains Earth with some Water. So Ox is connected to a moist soil or organic farmland. Fire of Horse is connected to sunshine. Without growing vegetable or plant, the land is wasted. 2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Wood is connected to tree or plant. Therefore, Ox people can expect a good harvest in 2014.

2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Wood of 2014 is the Career Star to Ox. Ox people will focus on their energy on career in 2014. Career Wood will bring opportunity and pressure on Ox. Horse to Ox is the Parent Star. Horse will help Ox to handle the pressure. That means someone will help Ox people when the problem appears. Therefore, Ox people's career luck should be much better than the previous year.

Snake of 2013 is also a Fire year. Basically, the career luck will carry over from 2013. If you did well in 2013, Then 2014 will bring you even better career opportunity. However, there is an issue when Horse comes too close Ox.  Horse contains Fire and Earth, which is related to your boss, partners or competitors. Since Ox people are hardworking animal with tiny complaint, your boss or partners might give you extra works or responsibilities to make you extremely busy. If your tasks are overloaded, then your productivity falls and your reputation will be damaged.

Water is connected to money to Ox people. There is no Water in the Wooden Horse year. Therefore, money luck to Ox is fair in 2014.  Ox people should look for stable income from the salary job. Any short-term risky investment is not recommended. To invest money on real estates or house improvement is a better approach. Basically, money management should use the same method as Snake year. If you have money loss last year, you must be too greedy and didn't read our advices in 2013.

Horse is the Romantic Star to Ox. That implies that Ox people have good people relationship and have better opportunity to meet the opposite sex in 2014. But since the mutual hurting relationship of Ox and Horse, The love relationship to Ox people in 2014 is hard to end up a good result. If you look for a love, then it's difficult to find someone who wants to commit a long-term relationship with you. If you are married or in love, then you have to pay attention on the feeling inside your lover. The love relationship to Ox people is full of suspicion, distrust, critic, complaint and damages. You need to learn how to tolerate, accept, understand, considerate and forgive the one you love. This is the simple way to avoid to bruise each other.

By the way, green Ox and white Horse are bad combination for love relationship. Those people will constantly argue on many subjects. They can make up, but won't last too long.

Horse is the Parent Star to Ox. Ox people should know how to take care their health. Horse is a Travel Star and it might hurt Ox. Therefore, Ox people should watch out their safety while traveling. Fire is also related to medical care to Ox. When driving, you should focus on the road to avoid any accident.

Ox people should do the regular exercise and take enough time to rest and relax as last year. Ox people should pay attention on the digestion system, which are intestines and stomach.

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Write by: Unknown - Monday, December 30, 2013


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