Saturday, February 24, 2007

Dark Chocolate Kisses

I took this image while wandering around Ala Moana Beach Park this weekend...


across the rainbow bridge...

RC Pets
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Hazelnut Ganache Twirl

These were taken at a parade in Chinatown. It was very enjoyable to watch the different lion dance troupes and how they "danced". The crowd gave plenty of dollar bills to the lions to bring good fortune in the new year.
Saturday, February 10, 2007

Milk Chocolate Truffles

In honor of Valentines Day (V-Day) this week and in keeping with the "Box of Chocolates" theme, I thought a little romance would be appropriate. Here's a photo of a very nice and cute newlywed couple from a wedding portrait shoot I did last weekend. Thanks to my photo buddy, Kekiinani, for her help and company during the shoot!
Monday, February 5, 2007

Chocolate Covered Cherries...

I had originally planned on using the color, RED, as my theme for February since both Valentine's Day and the Chinese New Year Celebration take place this month. But I decided to change it due to recent circumstances (though I will try to include red as much as possible)....

My best friend and 4-legged companion for the past 8 years was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer last summer. We have put up a great fight together over the last 7 months and for a brief moment thought we had beat it. But this past weekend the vet gave me the bad news that we have run out of options and are almost out of time as well.

Of course my heart sank with the deepest of sadness. So to honor him during his last few weeks, I have chosen a new theme. February's theme is, "Life is a Box of Chocolates", referring to how Forrest famously compares the treat with life.

You never know what life will throw at you...but I am grateful that I was able to share many adventures over the years with my "Mer-dog".
RC Pets