I know it is supposed to be diamonds, but this gal is going to throw her hat in with the men on this one and say it is her dog. :o)
Annie-belle (and her sister ~ Laurie) turned two this week. Looking back over the past year, I am amazed at how much they have accomplished and am thankful for all the "adventures" we have shared together. (Annie-belle has her CD and RE titles, and Laurie is a CH and has her RA - hurray). I know - seems cheesy but any fellow dog lover will certainly understand!
In celebration of their birthday, thought I would post some recent snapshots of them.
Annie-belle (and her sister ~ Laurie) turned two this week. Looking back over the past year, I am amazed at how much they have accomplished and am thankful for all the "adventures" we have shared together. (Annie-belle has her CD and RE titles, and Laurie is a CH and has her RA - hurray). I know - seems cheesy but any fellow dog lover will certainly understand!
In celebration of their birthday, thought I would post some recent snapshots of them.
Annie-belle: Boy, that wind sure be a blowing.
Laurie: Yeah - no kidding! It's messing up my Scottie 'brows. But it sure is a helluva view.
Annie-belle: Do you see any whales yet?
Laurie: Nope, do you?
Annie-belle: Ah mom, do we have to take ANOTHER photo? Sheesh.
Laurie: Blast, will that wind ever calm down? It's still messing with my Scottie good looks. Can we have our treats now??
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